Drew Barrymore’s Treat for Us All

Admin | August 25, 2016 @ 12:00 AM

What did you find the last time you cleaned out your storage unit?

If you’re like most people, you found a bunch of old sweaters and VHS tapes. If you’re Drew Barrymore, you found priceless Hollywood memorabilia.

Drew Barrymore's Storage Unit

In 2016, the 41 year old star gave us a peek inside the treasure trove that is her storage unit via her Instagram. We’re guessing that the unit (probably at least a 10x20 given the massive amount of stuff inside) is located somewhere near Barrymore’s Culver City, California home. Still, given how seriously storage facilities take the confidentiality of their tenants, we doubt any staff members are going to be putting out celebrity storage unit star maps anytime soon.

While cleaning out her storage unit, Barrymore took the time to share some of her favorite discoveries, most notably an amazing shot of the young actress alongside E.T., Quincy Jones (he produced the film’s soundtrack), and his daughters Kidada and Rashida Jones, the latter of whom most of us know as Ann Perkins from Parks and Recreation. Other memories included a 1982 SNL promo shot of young Drew standing atop a limo, an 80’s glamour shot featuring an insane gold ensemble, a delightfully 90’s photo of her and Sharon Stone, and some early magazine clippings. Barrymore also shared a letter she found in her storage unit addressed to an unknown—but very lucky—childhood pen pal in which she expressed her love for school, jazz, swimming, and acting.

“I live with my mom and my brother,” Barrymore wrote in the 1982 letter, “And I am happy with my life just the way I am.”

She captioned the Instagram shot with the hashtag #stillfeelthesame, reminding us that even though she’s a famous actress, she still believes in those storage unit memories. Isn’t Us Weekly always saying that stars are just like us?

Along with all of those glamorous memories, Barrymore also shared pictures of some more common storage unit finds, like old arts and crafts supplies, which she plans on passing along to her daughters. She also found a Navajo-inspired rug, a 1970’s style teal and gold chair, and a very on-trend faux deer bust, proving that whether you’re a famous actress or just a regular old so-and-so like the rest of us, you can always find something awesome and unexpected inside that old storage unit.